The Beverly Theatre Guild

All performances are held in
the Baer Theater at Morgan Park Academy
2153 W. 111th St, Chicago, IL 60643

February 14 – 16, 2025
For tickets, click HERE

Click here to see our Twelve Angry Jurors write-up
in The Beverly Review!

For Audition information for Gypsy, click here

Mission and Vision of Beverly Theatre Guild

Enriching Lives Through Theater 

Beverly Theatre Guild’s mission is to enrich the lives of our community by promoting the development of talent and interest in theatre arts through theatrical productions.  BTG’s vision is to present high quality, diverse productions that will be inspirational and have a positive influence on and within the community.  Founded in 1963, this purpose has been exemplified through more than 150 full-scale productions and numerous involvements in the neighborhood and educational events.
The Beverly Theatre Guild is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

10 Musicals in 10 Minutes

2023-2024 Season Award Winners

Distinguished Service Award

Thomas Moran, Sr.

President’s Award

Jean Feurer and Nancy Hughes

Best Performance Award

Jen Lenihan

This program is partially sponsored by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

The Beverly Theatre Guild gratefully acknowledges support from The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust.

The Beverly Theatre Guild expresses sincere thanks to the
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for its contribution to the living arts.
The Beverly Theatre Guild gratefully acknowledges a generous grant from the Illinois Creative Recovery Grant Program.

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All performances are held in the
The Baer Theater at Morgan Park Academy
2153 W. 111th St.
Chicago, IL 60643

BTG Parking Information MPA